Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Totally Random Free Crap

I love other people's junk. No, I LOVE other people's junk. Love, love, LOVE it! So any time someone asks me if I want some random thing that they don't want, I jump at it! Yes, I have a whole lot of craziness at my house. It's true. But I'll give just about anything a chance to avoid the dump.

Here are some recent rescues:

A patio table and 4 chairs.

Moss was actually growing on it!

A pile of games.

That bottom box has a 3D chess board in it!!

Yes, I am aware that, technically, all chess boards are 3D. My husband pointed that out. Immediately.

I also got some curtain hardware, a chair, a windchime, and a deceptively light end table. They're not much, but hey, they're not in the trash!!

Can you believe someone just left all this stuff behind when they moved out of a rental house? There was actually quite a bit more there but, even I have to draw the line somewhere, other people's mattresses just freak me out. I'll probably go back and claim the tripod though.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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