I spent a fair amount of time looking for some solid locally made bookcase, because that's the kind of thing that makes my husband happy. (HI JEFF!!! ) Everything I found was unbelievably expensive. Then I spent some time looking at thrift or secondhand stores, because that's the kind of thing that makes me happy. I couldn't find anything I liked enough to commit to rehabbing or refinishing it.
Ultimately I decided I'd just build one my own damn self. I think those were my exact words of exasperation when I brought it up to The Husband. Much to my surprise he was completely fine with it. Woo hoo!
I found the plan in a book on decks and gazebos I checked out from the library. I wish I could find that book again but the library gods apparently hate me because I haven't seen it since. I scaled it to the size I wanted and headed to Lowe's. A super nice, and patient, and attractive guy helped me cut all the wood to the sizes that I wanted. He actually set it all out on the floor and squared everything to make sure all the joints were right. It probably took about an hour and a half and I enjoyed it.
Anyway, when all that was done, I called in some construction instruction and got some schooling on how to properly place screws in joints that for all practical purposes shouldn't even exist. When that was done, I had built my first bookshelf!
Neat, huh!?
It was the first thing I had ever "built"! Yay! I was so freaking proud!
Of course, I'm in the middle of anchoring it to the wall so it doesn't kill anyone and The Husband says "So, you're just going to leave it like that?"
"Like what?"
"All RAW like that."
"Raw? What does that mean?"
" I just didn't think you were done."
Apparently he wanted me to carry the thing outside and stain it. At 2 in the morning. In the middle of January. In the snow. I'm sure you can see where THAT conversation was going.
So last week I bought a quart of Minwax Bombay Mahogany Poly-Shades. I cleared off the crazy shelf and enlisted The Monkey to help me get it on the porch.
Now it looks like this:
In all seriousness, If I had known almost three years ago that this shelf would turn out this beautiful, I would have gone out at 2 in the morning, in January, in the snow and stained it.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
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