Saturday, June 1, 2013

Trash to Treasure Swan Planter

I have to admit that I'm slightly afraid of unknowns. Take for example the shed that's at the back of our property. It was there when we bought our house 3 years ago. It was also full of someone else's junk. There it sat, full of junk, because I had absolutely no idea what was in there and because the idea of digging in it just gives me the willies.

Fortunately I have kids and The Monkey recently decided that she wanted to built a playhouse. Out of random pieces of wood. In my yard.

Of course I said "No." With the following argument being something along the lines of "We already have one weird ghetto structure in our yard. I am absolutely not letting you build a new weird ghetto structure back there."

Somehow that evolved into, "Well, if you really want a clubhouse you can clean out the weird ghetto shed and turn that into a clubhouse."

So, with the help of one of her friends, she cleaned all of someone else's junk out of the weird ghetto shed and into the yard.

It looked like this:

Well, that's an improvement. *eyeroll* That picture isn't even of what it looked like the day they did it! That picture is from today...two dumpsters full later.

So...trash. Lots and lots of trash. In my yard.

After I convinced her that there was no possible way to upcycle all of her recently claimed junk, I dug through it to find the good stuff. I got a plastic swan, some terra cotta pots, and a lamp base.

I knew the swan was going to be a plant stand so I needed to find something to use as a base. Which I did. I'm not sure what it was, but it was base like and on the way to the dump so it was mine.

All i had to do now was to prime, spray paint, and attach the pieces.

Now it looks like this!!

The best part? Total cost: $0! Hooray for me!

That's all for now. Until next time!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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