Monday, May 7, 2012

The current evolutionary state of an awesome lamp.

A while back I bought a lamp from the Goodwill. She needed to be rewired but she was super pretty. I brought her home, rewired her and promptly forgot about her.

I got a sudden urge to paint something the other day and this lovely lamp happened to be in my line of sight. Voila! A project was born.

Unfortunately I can't find an unfussed with 'before' picture, so we'll all just deal with an early-evolution pic as our introduction shot. K? K.

Here she is all cleaned up and taped. I scrubbed her with a Comet/water paste that i mixed up. She's ready for her makeover!

Pretty, right? Right.

I primed her with Valspar primer.

Then painted her purple! Yep, purple. It is the color of royalty you know.

I also put a couple coats of poly on just for good measure.

Well, at this point I was a bit stumped. The lovely lady didn't come with a shade and what we had been using on her was, well, fugly.

Was I right? Fugly. I wandered around the internet for a while before I came up with something that I thought would be do-able. What did I come up with, you ask? Ruffles!! Not just any ruffles. And certainly not lacy girly ruffles. Haphazard, messy, possibly weird, awesome ruffles!!

First I spray primed the fugly shade. I was going to go buy some felt and make it sort of fancy, but then I found an old white sheet in a box! SCORE.

I cut the sheet into 2" ish strips.

When you're done cutting you should have a big pile of sheet. (say it out loud, it's funnier)

Then I used hot glue to stick the strips to the shade.

I tried to place the strips so that they were glued down the center. I thought if I did that I would have two ruffles per strip and wouldn't have to glue as many.

When I was done gluing and was sure the poly was dry I pulled off all the tape and assembled her in a whir of impulsive creativity.

Tom and I named her Stella. (HI TOM!!!)

The before and after.

I love love LOVE the shade. Just not on that lamp. Crap. I'm thinking about putting a glaze on her too.

I've already acquired another shade (woot Goodwill) and am plotting it's demise, eh I mean uh, refurbishment as we speak.

So let me know what you think about Stella. Any suggestions?

Love ya, later!


  1. So glad you're going to blog about your stuff! Now I'm going to have to go back to my blog and put something new on it... I can't wait to see what else you refurbish.

  2. Thank you so much! It makes me happy that you're looking forward to more stuff. :)
