As she was taking care of all that she came up to me and asked why the salsa was with the compost stuff. I told her it was gross and needed to be composted. She got sassy and started arguing with me about eating the salsa. I glared at her, told her it was compost, and to go take care of it.
Apparently this really pissed her off. So, instead of carrying the salsa out with the rest of the compost, she dumped it down the sink drain.
Now, in a "normal" house this probably wouldn't be a big deal. But in our house this type of thing comes close to setting off World War III. First, we have ancient galvenized steel plumbing. So the insides of our pipes are like low grit sandpaper. EVERYTHING gets stuck in them. Before we figured this out they got clogged a lot. Second, Elly has a serious attitude problem. If you want something done wrong, ask her. If you want something done horribly wrong, and you want it to take 6 hours the first time through, ask her. She tries really hard to do things SO wrong that I stop expecting her to do them. It 's been six years and she's still doing the dishes wrong. I. WILL. OUT-STUBBORN. HER.
Anyway, the result of her dumping the salsa down the drain was that the main pipe from the kitchen got clogged. So when she turned on the dishwasher it eventually backed up into the sink and drained out the front of the dishwasher and partially flooded the kitchen.
This was partially discovered by the husband when he couldn't figure out why the sink was full of really nasty water. (That's as much as he figured out). The rest was discovered by me when I walked through the kitchen at midnight and my pants got soaked with nasty water.
It only took me about 10 seconds to figure out what had happened after I saw that the sink was full of tomatoes and onions. Boy was the husband pissed when I explained it to him. To make a long story short, I did not let him clean it up himself, nor did I let him wake the monkey up at 2 in the morning to clean it up, I did however get him to agree that she would be going under the house with him the next day to unclog the pipe.
Plus, I was going to make her disassemble the pipes under the sink and try to dislodge the clog that way. That's what we had to do to figure it out, so that's what she'd be doing. So when she got home from school the next day I set her to fixing the clog.
She didn't even complain about it!
She completely disassembled the plumbing and threaded about 35 ft of plumbing snake into the main pipe by herself!! After she fought with it for a little while I took over, gave the snake a few good cranks, and handed it back to her. She pulled the snake back out and reassembled the pipes. I sat and watched the pipe while she turned the water on.
SHE UNCLOGGED THE PIPE!!!! Holy crap, I am so stinking proud of her.
The only problem is that one of the compression fittings broke while she was unscrewing stuff. No big deal, the kid just unclogged the pipe I am SO not going to get mad at her for a broken piece of PVC.
I just took the part back off and carried it up to Lowe's. of course while I was there I decided to remove the old garbage disposal and completely replace all that old PVC.
$39 dollars later the underside of my sink looks like this:
Here's a before and after so you can get the full effect.
How cool is that!? The kid dumps salsa down the drain and I get new plumbing!
Plus I replaced the drains in the bottom of the sink. Ours were old and nasty and one was completely missing for where the "InSinkerator" had been.
That's all for now,
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
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